Hello, my name's Divyendra. I'm a Master's CompSci student at UMass Amherst
I worked in a couple of startup endeavours designing and building their web ecosystem to scale and deliver. I cherish this part of software engineering, modularizing complex problems into manageable units, thus allowing us to build manageble and scalable systems. I was also part of Cellworks Research Ltd, a lifesciences company, building their cloud orchestrator to distribute, parellelize and monitor thousands of cell-simulation jobs.
I am also passionate about machine learning techniques, thier usage in Natural Language processing and started investing time in these areas after coming back to Academia. In an attempt to catch up the pace of the research in this field: both breadth and depth, I write my notes and at times post these notes as blogs :)
If you have any suggestions over the content present in this blog, don't hesitate to shoot a mail!
You can find my resume here...
Resume:- [PDF]